Community Activities

Here are some ways you can be part of your community – we have dozens of activities going on to suit all tastes…

Scouts and Guides: Almost every weekday night the uniformed organisations meet – see the back of the magazine for details – Brownies and Rainbows for the little ones, Scouts and Guides for the older, and Rangers.

U3A: 4 groups meet here: Family History, Historic Houses, Local History and Current Affairs.  To join u3a, please visit the website or contact the Membership Secretary

Choral: for the musically minded, as well our Choirs, the Choral Society meets on Mondays, Wetherby Light Musical Singers on Weds, and Elysian Singers on Thurs.

Mums and Kids:  Hartbeeps meets on Tuesdays.  Rhythm Time meets on Wednesdays and Wednesday Toddler.

Art and Crafts: Why not try your hand with Stella’s Craft, Flower Arranging or Wetherby Art Group

For the Active: There is a range of activities including yoga, Tai Chi, Flexercise and Strictly Salsa to name but a few.

More details can be found on our Facebook page